School Nurse

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Hello Montclair students and families!



Mrs. Walker

What is a School Nurse?

"School Nursing is a specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well being, academic success, and lifelong achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student responses to normal development; promote health and safety, including a healthy environment; intervene with actual and potential health problems; provide case management services; and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self management, self advocacy, and learning." (NASN, 2010c).

Attention Kindergarten Parents

The 2020 General Assembly passed HB 1090 which amends the minimum vaccination requirements for attendance at a public school. This legislation becomes effective July 1, 2021.

Minimum Immunization Requirements for KG:
1. Diphtheria, Tetanus, & Pertussis: A minimum of 4 properly spaced dosages
2. Hepatitis B Vaccine: A complete series of 3 properly spaced doses.
3. Measles, Mumps, & Rubella Vaccine: A minimum of 2 properly spaced doses.
4. Polio Vaccine: A minimum of 4 properly spaced doses.
5. Varicella Vaccine: 2 properly spaced doses.
6. Hepatitis A: 2 properly spaced doses.

For more information on immunizations:


Parents please have an extra complete outfit (including socks and underwear) in your child's backpack. Unfortunately accidents do happen and a change of clothes may be needed during the course of a school day. I have a limited supply of clothes in the clinic. An extra outfit will ensure that your child does not miss class time and working parents don't have to leave work. Don't forget to make sure the extra outfits are appropriate for the current season.

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Please remember the reasons to NOT send your child to school or reasons that a child will be sent home. Please contact the school nurse with specific questions concerning symptoms and current COVID-19 restrictions.

1. Fever of 100.4° F and over - exclude until student has been fever-free without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours.

2. Conjunctivitis (pink eye), strep infections, ringworm, and impetigo are all infections and must be treated with medication for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school. Please do not allow affected students back before this time so that other students are not infected unnecessarily.

3. Rash of unknown origin with fever and/or behavioral changes, until a primary care provider has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease.

4. Head injury.

5. Severe coughing or difficulty breathing.

6. Colds - a child with thick or constant nasal discharge should remain home.

7. Diarrhea - sudden increase in frequency to more than three loose/watery stools per day. Exclude until student has been symptom free for at least 24 hours.

8. Vomiting - unless the vomiting is determined to be caused by a diagnosed non-communicable/non-infectious condition (such as dysmenorrhea, dysphagia, etc.).

9. Abdominal pain that continues for more that two hours or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever or other signs or symptoms.

10. Stiff neck associated with fever and/or a recent injury.

11. Inadequate immunizations with known disease outbreak in school.

12. Refer to the Virginia Department of Health's "Communicable Disease Reference Chart for School Personnel" for other exclusions/information.

13. Refer to PWCS Regulation 757-1

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Reporting Student Absences

All student absences must be reported DAILY. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to call the front office at 703-730-1072 by 9:00 A.M. each school day. Please provide the following information:

  1. Students Name
  2. Teachers name
  3. Reason for Absence
  4. For illness let us know if they have any of the following symptoms
  5. All doctor confirmed communicable diseases. The school nurse needs written confirmation by your physician.
  6. Positive test for COVID-19 or current quarantine/isolation status.

You can leave a message the evening before or before school starts.

For any questions feel free to call 703-730-1072 or email Mrs. Walker at [email protected].

Vision and Hearing!

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PWCS Regulation 756-1, "Physical Screenings and Testing" pertains to the requirements for annual physical screening for vision and hearing deficits.

When this regulation was printed, "Kindergarten" was accidentally left out of the first sentence. But, students in grades Kindergarten, third, seventh and tenth are required to be screened for vision and hearing deficits. A revision of this statement in this regulation is forth coming.

This regulation is based on requirements found in Virginia code 8VAC20-250-10 "Testing of Sight and hearing; Monitoring" and Virginia code 22.1-273 (section F) "Vision and Hearing of Student to be Tested; exceptions."

Does your child need medication during the school day?

If it is absolutely necessary for your student to take medication at school, the Authorization for Medication Administration form (Attachment I, Regulation 757-4) must be completed prior to the medication being given at school. The appropriate health Treatment Plan (HTP) for asthma, allergy, seizure, and diabetes medications must be completed. Medications will not be accepted without receipt of the appropriate form. Please see the document section for these forms.

Medications must be brought to the health office ans signed by a parent/guardian. Students with diabetes, asthma, or life-threatening allergies may carry life-saving medications (insulin, Glucagon, inhaler, Epinephrine Auto-Injectors) throughout the school day in accordance with their approved HTP or medical authorization. Otherwise, students are not permitted to transport medications to and from school or carry any medication while in school.

Please refer to Regulation 757-4 for further information. See the Document section.


Clinic Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.