Mission and Vision

Montclair Elementary students will possess the academic, social skills and knowledge to become lifelong learners.  They are caring individuals who have an appreciation for diversity and will work hard to reach their full potential Students will gain the knowledge, awareness, and skills to display responsible, respectful, safe and kind behaviors. As world-class learners, our students will work to make a positive impact on the world by being productive students and contributing members of society.  They are lifelong learners who will use their skills and knowledge to reach their goals of graduating from high school to be college and career ready. 
The mission of Montclair Elementary School Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, data driven, and well-rounded school counseling program, focusing on academic, social/emotional and college/career development of all students.  The program is equitable and accessible to all students through collaboration with staff, families, and the community.  Additionally, we want to help create a safe, supportive, caring and nurturing environment so that all students achieve success in school so that they are successful lifelong learners who are prepared to lead productive lives as valuable members of their community.